Would I relive high school all over again? Absolutely not. But this senior from Oak Hills High School in California is at least making me reconsider changing my yearbook quote from something dull to something fabulous.
According to her Twitter bio, Caitlyn Cannon describes herself as “really gay” and a “feminist.” With that description, she nailed it with her 2015 yearbook quote:
“I need feminism because I intend on marrying rich and I can’t do that if my wife and I are making .75 cent for every dollar a man makes.”
Twitter user @casualnosebleed retweeted the image on Tuesday with the caption, “this is all i honestly care about right now,” and has since received almost 10,000 retweets and over 13,000 favorites.
Cannon found a similar quote on Tumblr and changed the perspective to fit her feminist and LGBT views. "I was tired of seeing the same old quotes from popular books and movies and authors, and I wanted to call attention to a problem that women face," the 17-year-old teen said in an email to The Huffington Post. "I've never really been ashamed to say that I am gay, so the LGBT aspect was simply who I am."
Kudos to Caitlyn! She not only hilariously tackled the gender pay gap and made a fierce political statement, but she makes me proud of LGBT teens out there. She’ll do great work when she attends college in New York City this upcoming fall.